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Working in the Dark

“We work in the dark—we do what we can—we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.”

~Joyce Carol Oates

Artists bring great beauty, and enrichment, light and life to the world. Contrary to what others may think, our lot is not easy, as we have to work amidst constant ambiguity and build our process from the ground up. Like no other profession, we truly work in the dark.

Learning how to actualize the visions in your head can be extremely challenging and fraught with frustration. On the other end of the spectrum, without a doubt it can be one of the most awe-inspiring, rewarding and amazing things you can ever experience. To see that invisible vision within you made manifest in the outward world can be nothing short of euphoric.

It all starts with small steps - giving yourself the time and space to master your craft. Slowly but surely, you will cultivate a long-lasting competence and confidence in your art.

If you fall down, get up, brush off the dirt, and keep going. After all, this is the only true distinction between those who call themselves ‘artists’ and those who do not. Best of luck on your journey, and may the creative force be with you!

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