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Creative Frustration

While it helps to understand the principle of exponential growth, it still can undoubtedly be frustrating as we push forward through those long dry spells.

Impatiently pushing for answers or seeking to hurry things along can often lead to a botched piece of work and increased frustration. Remember the apparent mistakes and wrong turns are all an essential part of each person’s unique growth process. Insight only ever comes from fully exploring your own creative process – there are no shortcuts.

Slow down to go faster. When something isn’t working, or somehow you aren’t getting the results you had hoped for, break it down step by step to see if you can identify where the malfunction is. Breaking anything down means performing it slowly, where you can etch the rhythm of the task into your mind. With practice, you are then able to speed it up, performing the task more quickly with more precise accuracy.

In the face of frustration, be realistic about the time it takes for you to cultivate the necessary skills. When you expect too much too fast, you cut off possibilities for germination before they even take root.

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